Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe: Transnational Actions Towards Evidence-Based Strategies
SEEMIG is a strategic project funded by the European Union’s South-East Europe Programme. The project aims to better understand and address longer term migratory, human capital and demographic processes of South-East Europe, as well astheir effects on labour markets, national and regional economies. The main goal of the project is to empower public administrations to develop and implement policies and strategies by using enhanced datasets and empirical evidence.
The HDRI is leader of two Work Packages of the project. Within work package Enhancing data production systems of the SEE region, the HDRI coordinated the comparison of existing migratory data production systems and data sources of the participating countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia). Descriptive country reports were prepared containig suggestions with regard to the possible improvement of migration-related data production systems.
Based on the country reports, a regional level summary report was prepared, including best practices and SEE level recommendations to improve data production systems.
As part of data enhancement activities, the Hungarian research team at the HDRI was also responsible for the design of a pilot study to measure out-migration with the help of a large national survey - also standardised Europe-wide - the Labour Force Survey. The pilot research was also carried out in Serbia. The research report containing methodological best practices will soon be available.
The HDRI is also responsible for communication and dissemination activities of the transnational project.
BLASKÓ, Zsuzsa; GÖDRI, Irén; MELEGH, Attila; ROHR, Adél
Related publications of HDRI researchers
Heinz Fassmann, Elisabeth Musil, Ramon Bauer, Attila Melegh, Kathrin Gruber (2014): Longer-Term Demographic Dynamics in South–East Europe: Convergent, Divergent and Delayed Development. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol.3(2), 150-172.
Gödri, Irén - Gárdos, Éva (2013): Analysis of existing migratory data production systems and data sources in eight South-East European countries. Synthesis report developed within the project SEEMIG - Managing migration and its effects in South-East Europe.
Gödri, Irén - Gárdos, Éva (2013): Analysis of existing major data production systems and data sources in Hungary. A country report developed within the project SEEMIG - Managing migration and its effects in South-East Europe.
Melegh, Attila (2013): Diverging historical development of migration in Southeastern Europe since 1950. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, no. 17, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.
Research highlights
Emigration from Hungary: an increasing tendency