Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare <p style="text-align: justify;">The Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare periodically highlight the empirical research of the HDRI’s researchers and other involved authors.</p> <p><strong>Imprint</strong><br>Responsible publisher: Zsolt Spéder director<br>Series Editor: Róbert Iván Gál<br>Publisher: Hungarian Demographic Research Institute <br>H-1024 Budapest Buday László utca 1-3.<br>ISSN 1588-3396 (print)<br>ISSN 2630-8762 (online)</p> en-US Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare Growing up in Hungary - Cohort ’18 Hungarian Birth Cohort Study. Technical report 3. 6-month wave <p><em>Please cite the publication as follows: Zsuzsanna Veroszta, Julianna Boros, Ildikó Fábián, Balázs Kapitány, Réka Kis, Krisztina Kopcsó, Fruzsina Ökrös, Zsolt Spéder and Laura Szabó (2023): Growing up in Hungary - Cohort ’18 Hungarian Birth Cohort Study. Technical report 3. 6-month wave. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 41 Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.</em></p> Zsuzsanna Veroszta, Julianna Boros, Ildikó Fábián, Balázs Kapitány, Réka Kis, Krisztina Kopcsó, Fruzsina Ökrös, Zsolt Spéder and Laura Szabó Copyright (c) 2023 Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare 2023-09-21 2023-09-21 41 1 57. 10.21543/WP.2023.41