The 14th Global Meeting of the NTA Network
Our researchers Róbert Iván Gál and Lili Vargha participate at the 14th Global Meeting of the National Transfer Accounts Network organised between 14-17 February 2023 Paris.
Gál Róbert Iván, Pieter Vanhuysse: Intergenerational Resource Transfers in the Context of Welfare States
Gál Róbert Iván, Miguel Sanchez-Romero, Pieter Vanhuysse: Reconstructing historical changes in the inter-age resource reallocation system
Vargha Lili, Tanja Istenič: Towards a typology of economic lifecycle patterns
Roundtable discussion - Chair: Róbert Iván Gál
Viewing the World through the NTA Lens
Roundtable discussion - Speaker: Róbert Iván Gál
NTA and public policy: Some perspectives from the United Nations.